On a whim…

Life without whimsy is not much of a life at all; without it, a walk in the dark is no laughing matter.

Out of Little ‘Cwacks’ What Mighty ‘Things’ May Come?

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Children inspire me:

Child: Mama, there’s a cwack in the ceiling.
Mom: It’s ok. Sometimes houses have little cracks.
Child: I think it’s gonna hatch soon.

Courtesy Kellene Bishop, Preparedness Professional on preserving eggs.

A robust deconstruction of the exchange is revealing. First the child made a public service announcement about a “cwack”. Nothing critical just an FYI to the powers-that-be commonly known as Mom or Dad.

Mom replies with an enthusiastic downplay of the reported issue. “Nothing to see here.  Move along. Don’t worry about it.” In kid-speak this means that there’s more here than meets the eye and the powers-that-be don’t want you to get yourself all riled up about it. The consequence is that there’s more to investigate or at least to speculate.

What could this “cwack” mean. Now, maybe, if the kid in question spent too much time in front of Fox news she would immediately consider that the earth’s crust had ruptured and whole hectares of the metropolis were being consumed by hot lava. (I know this can happen because for a whole year my kid drew pictures with hot lava coming from everywhere: the tub drain, the garden hose, the unseen pit beneath the dentist’s chair, etc.)

Not so with this kid, this one lives in the land of butterflies, chicks, and kittens (for now) and she has a simple explanation. “It’s gonna hatch soon!”

Now, if only someone had asked what was going to climb out of THAT shell?

Written by David Wilkerson

7 August 2012 at 1:42 pm

2 Responses

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  1. You are amazing!

    Lucy wilkerson

    8 August 2012 at 8:49 am

    • This is great! And I had forgotten about C’s obsession with hot lava. haha I like the use of the parenthetical there.

      Jenn Wilkerson

      8 August 2012 at 4:32 pm

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